
Plug and play code samples for Reactive Extensions.

View the Project on GitHub Orbyt/RxCookbook

Welcome to the RxCookbook.

This page aims to provide real world examples of the usage of RxJava/RxAndroid. Feel free to submit a pull request for other samples.

Polling an API with Retrofit

public interface MyRetrofitService {

    Observable<Location> getLocation();
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
MyRetrofitService retrofitService = retrofit.create(MyRetrofitService.class);
Observable.interval(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                .flatMap(param -> retrofitService.getLocation())
                .subscribe(new Subscriber<Location>() {
                    public void onCompleted() {
                        Log.d("api", "rx comleted");
                    public void onError(Throwable e) {
                    public void onNext(Location location) {
                        Log.d("api", "response: " + location.getSomeField());

Delayed Search

private Subscription mSubscription;

mSubscription = RxTextView.textChangeEvents(mSearchField)
                .debounce(600, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                .subscribe(new Observer<TextViewTextChangeEvent>() {
                    public void onCompleted() {
                        Log.d(TAG, "onCompleted() called");

                    public void onError(Throwable e) {
                    //Called every time theres a text change and then a pause for at least 600ms.
                    public void onNext(TextViewTextChangeEvent textViewTextChangeEvent) {
                        mSearchOutput.setText("Searched for: " + textViewTextChangeEvent.text());


public Observable<Object> rxflattenmylist(List<?> list) {
        return Observable.from(list)
                .flatMap(item -> item instanceof List<?> ? rxflattenmylist((List<?>) item) : Observable.just(item));

    public Observable<List<Object>> rxflatten(List<Object> list) {
        return rxflattenmylist(list)
